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Concentration and Gathering of Strengths, Creating Brilliance Together-Faithful Technology 2023 Annual Meeting Ceremony

The company held the 2023 Annual Meeting Ceremony in the afternoon of January 15, 2023 to celebrate the old year and welcome the new year with joyful spirit.
The ceremony started with a wonderful and sincere New Year's greeting by the general manager of the company, Mr. Zhang deeply summarized the company's development history and accumulated experience since its foundation, reviewed the journey of 2022, and looked forward to the future development focus and direction of 2023, and at the same time, he sent sincere New Year's blessings to all the colleagues. After that, the deputy general manager and workshop director of the company also made speeches on the stage.

The development of Fai Yang can not be separated from the hard work of the frontline staff, the joint efforts of the frontline staff, a pay will have a return, the moderator
The host read out the list of "excellent employees" in the year of 2022 with great passion, and the leaders of the company gave out bonuses to each excellent employee.

Next was the time for an uplifting performance, with laughter, applause and cheers rippling through the whole extravaganza event from time to time.

The good time is short, the annual ceremony was successfully concluded in a warm, cozy and joyful atmosphere. In the new year, competition and development together, we will continue to go beyond, continue to uphold the principle of "quality is not conscience is not correct", to run to a more perfect wear-resistant technical solutions and work hard, and look forward to Fai Yang tomorrow will be more brilliant!

Post time: Mar-21-2024