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Early Summer “Walk” in Taihang | Fai Yang Technology’s Group Building Successfully Ended!

Early Summer "Walk" in Taihang | Fai Yang Technology's Group Building Successfully Ended!
In the early summer of June, the sunshine is warm and warm, and in the name of summer, we opened the group building trip of Huiyang Technology in South Taihang!

The best way of life.
The best way to live is with a group of like-minded people.
The best way to live is to run together with a group of like-minded people on the ideal road.
Looking back, there are stories along the way.
Looking down, there are firm footsteps.
Looking up, there is a clear vision of the future.

The best time is on the road.
The way to the sun.
Capture some beautiful moments anytime, anywhere.
Or to stop and
To enjoy the scenery.
Or stopping to
Taking pictures.

A group of people, one heart, keep walking!

The clear stream is gurgling and the water is flowing.
The beautiful scenery of the mountains can be seen from afar!
The sun is warming up, don't let the time go by.
The future is promising.
Huiyang Technology's South Taihang Group Rebuilding Tour ended successfully!

Post time: Mar-29-2024