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Fai Yang® Ceramic Pipes Expanding into New Energy Battery Market

With the timetable of the global countries' plans to ban the sale of fuel vehicles, the industrial manufacturing of new energy vehicles is becoming more and more important. In the manufacturing process of new energy vehicle batteries, α-AL2O3 ceramics are widely used in the basic manufacturing industry of new energy batteries with the high hardness (HV1100-1400) of inorganic materials to resist the wear and tear of conveyed materials.

Auto battery cathode materials lithium cobaltate, lithium manganate, lithium iron phosphate and nickel-cobalt-manganese polymer need to be transported through the pipeline in the production of batteries, and it has extremely high requirements for the pipeline in the process of transporting battery materials:
1、When there are iron (Fe), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), silver (Ag) and other metal impurities in the anode material, these metals will be oxidized at the anode and then reduced to the negative pole, when the metal monomers at the negative electrode accumulate to a certain extent, the hard corners of the deposited metal will puncture the diaphragm, resulting in self-discharge of the battery. Self-discharge can be fatal to the battery. Therefore, it is particularly important to isolate the metal.
2, battery cathode materials in the production process using pneumatic conveying, dense-phase dynamic pressure pneumatic conveying air velocity between 8-15m/s, dilute-phase pneumatic conveying air velocity between 12-40m/s, in the conveying of manganese, cobalt, nickel and other materials, the material texture is firm and brittle, specific gravity between 7.2-8.9, air velocity is high, the abrasive nature is very strong, which requires conveying pipeline has excellent abrasion resistance.
3、Positive materials contain FeS, LiMPO4 and other components, some of which are highly corrosive to the pipeline, so the pipeline material also has requirements for corrosion resistance.
Through continuous R&D and innovation, Fai Yang® ceramic pipes are favored in the battery market for their excellent wear and corrosion resistance. Meet various working conditions High-strength adhesive, 304 stainless steel pipe and various geometries α-AL2O3 ceramic pipe glued together, with the following advantages:
1, α-AL2O3 ceramic Vickers hardness in HV1100-1400, confirmed by industrial operation: its wear life is ten times or even dozens of times the hardened steel. Therefore, the grinding media conveyed by metallurgy, electric power, mining, coal and other industries have high wear resistance.
2, α-AL2O3 ceramic tube sintered at a high temperature of 1680 ℃, alumina in the form of α-AL2O3, α-AL2O3 chemical properties are stable, wear and corrosion resistance.
3, the use of high-strength imported adhesive, bonding strength of up to 15.3Mpa, in the -40-180 ℃ working environment, to meet the iron-based, aluminum-based, non-metal-based materials expansion rate of different plastic changes caused by the bonding strength can be up to 3-8 years.
4, α-AL2O3 ceramic pipe internal surface smooth and delicate, running resistance is small, clear resistance coefficient of 0.0193, smoothness is better than any metal pipe, greatly reducing the occurrence of blockage, indirectly improve the conveying efficiency.
5, α-AL2O3 ceramics are inorganic non-metallic materials, with good electrical insulation, effectively isolate the metal pollution of the conveying pipeline, to protect the purity of the powder.

With the support of Huiyang ceramic pipeline, I believe that in the future time, will be "Tesla" "Wei Xiaoli" and other major new energy automotive industry to provide safer and more stable electric core. The combination of new energy battery and α-AL2O3 ceramics in the future there are still a lot of can be expanded, ceramic value-added applications will also have a greater potential growth in mechanical equipment, digital intelligence and green building materials, photovoltaic power generation and other fields.

Post time: Mar-21-2024