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Gathering the Heart and Gathering the Strength, Setting off to the Future|Fai Yang Group Building Activity Successfully Concluded

Reunion is the epitome and extension of corporate culture. In order to benefit the physical and mental health of the staff, exercise the physical quality of everyone, improve team cohesion, and strengthen the communication and exchange of staff, on September 11, 2022, all the staff of Xinxiang Huiyang Technology Co., Ltd. (excluding some duty personnel) participated in a group building tour.
At 9:00 a.m. on September 11, we were ready to go to Wanxian Mountain in Huixian County, Xinxiang City for team building activities. During the hiking process, we competed and encouraged each other, and the laughter along the way showed the healthy, united and vigorous spirit of Huiyang people. When we reached Guo Liang Village, we gathered together, raised our glasses, and enjoyed the local food.

At 5:00 a.m. on September 12, we collectively climbed the mountain to watch the sunrise. Although the sky was dark and the mountain road was rugged and difficult to navigate, the air in the mountain forests was exceptionally fresh and pleasant, and we were all enthusiastic and competed to be the first to go, which embodied the team's excellent qualities of perseverance, perseverance to the end, and the courage to work hard.

September 12, 8:00 a.m., we set off to the southern foot of Taihang Mountain Xinxiang Bailigou, opened another day of exciting company group building tour.

Subsequently, a group of people wandered in the Bailigou scenic area, accompanied by the beautiful scenery, and opened the summit trip with great interest. On the way to the summit, everyone cared about each other and took care of each other, did not abandon and did not give up together hand in hand to rush forward!
Coming to the Tianhe Waterfall, every member of the team looked particularly excited, so that people can not help but think of the description in the Three Gorges: "Hanging spring waterfalls, flying gargling in between, Qingrongjunmao, a lot of fun". Looking from the Waterfall Cave, the mountain waterfall straight down, the sound of water gurgling, deep water under the mountain pool, and the wind should be quiet, the companions took out their cell phones to record this shocking scene.
The two-day and one-night group building activity ended. After this group building activity, it not only strengthened the communication between the staff, but also let everyone realize the strength in the sweat, learn to persevere in the fatigue, and find the self-worth in the teamwork. Flyer proved with actions to build a high-quality and high-efficiency team, so that our employees are full of self-confidence, spirited, and work with more enthusiasm to scale new heights and create new splendor!

Post time: Mar-11-2024