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Have you all discovered the benefits of ceramic knives?

We all have found that the ordinary steel knife after a period of time will appear blunt and other phenomena, so that not only cut something inconvenient but also regular grinding, but the ceramic knife is wear-resistant, then, it has other what characteristics? Let's take a look together.
Ceramic knife has the following characteristics:
First, high sharpness
As a knife, sharp is essential, and ceramic knife has been known for sharpness, especially by the sharpness of the ceramic knife is more than ten times the ordinary steel knife, it can be cut out like paper-thin slices of meat, but also can deal with tomatoes will not be out of juice, cut meat will not destroy the texture of the sharp enjoyment of the very hard work and save energy.
Second, with antibacterial effect
Ordinary knives in the case you can not see actually have a lot of hidden bacteria capillaries, these capillaries will lead to the destruction of our food nutrients, but also cause secondary damage to it, and the surface of the ceramic knife by the Lee all dense, will not store any bacteria, it also has an antibacterial surface layer, you can eliminate all kinds of bacterial infestation, but also will not be subjected to a variety of acids and alkalis and other organic matter corrosion.
Third, with antioxidant effect
The usual use of knives to deal with the ingredients will occur nutritional damage and oxidation of the phenomenon, which is caused by ordinary knives to destroy the nutritional surface layer of the food itself, and by the sharpness of the ceramic knife plus antibacterial effect also with the antioxidant effect at the same time, the use of ceramic knives to cut the ingredients not only will not oxidize and retain the nutrition of the more comprehensive.
Ceramic knife in weight is also completely better than ordinary steel knife, compared to the heavy steel knife, ceramic knife can be described as lightweight, steel knife long-term use will cause pressure on the wrist, resulting in soreness, and by the lightweight design of the ceramic knife to eliminate this phenomenon, especially suitable for women to use.
Fifth, the shape of the exquisite
Steel knives are generally iron plus handle, looks very heavy and no aesthetics to speak of, but the ceramic knife is very different, it's beautifully compact, not to mention the surface of the ceramic knife by the Lee jade-like silky smooth, the grip is also specially adapted to the ergonomics of the build, more comfortable to hold, whether it's a gift or to keep it is no less impressive.

Post time: Feb-29-2024