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Huiyang Technology Helps Coking Industry to Save Energy and Reduce Emissions

In order to promote the development and application of green and intelligent key technologies for coking, and to promote energy saving, carbon reduction, green and efficient development of metallurgical coking enterprises, China Society for Metals held the "National Symposium on Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Innovative Technologies for Metallurgical Coking Processes in 2023" in Anyang City, Henan Province, and we were honored to participate in this meeting. The meeting focused on the new technologies, processes and products emerging from energy saving and emission reduction and innovative technologies in the coking industry.
Our company adheres to the environmental protection, energy saving and consumption reduction as the goal, supported by technological innovation, energy saving and emission reduction has achieved remarkable results, our company's Zhangqian M4 ceramic powerless coke sieve has won the "2022 annual coking industry energy saving and environmental protection excellent products and technology awards" awards in the coke screening industry occupies a pivotal position in the Shanxi a Shanxi a coke plant 3075 vibrating screen into Zhangqian M4, energy saving and environmental protection has made a huge breakthrough!
1、Save power resources
Before remodeling: motor power 15kW * 4 = 60kW / hour, electricity costs 60kW * 24h * 330 days * 0.6 yuan / degree = 285,100 yuan
After remodeling: 0 yuan, Zhangqian M4 no power input, relying on the self-weight of the material for screening, saving 285,100 yuan per year in electricity costs.
2、Save economic cost
Before remodeling: replace the screen plate once in 4 months before remodeling, 21m²*6000 yuan/set*3 sets/year=378,000 yuan.
After remodeling: $0. Zhangqian M4 adopts 92% AL2O3 ceramic screen surface with hardness as high as HV1100-1400, which can be maintenance-free for three years, and saves 378,000 yuan of screen plate fee every year.
3、Environmental protection
Before remodeling: vibrating screen high-frequency high-amplitude vibration, generating a large amount of dust, causing adverse effects on human body, equipment, workshop environment, atmospheric environment and other aspects.
After transformation: no high-frequency vibration, modular dust cover, European wing observation door, flexible sealing strip, fully closed structure, no dust spillage.

Although we have made achievements in energy saving and emission reduction innovative technology, we do not stop, in the future, Huiyang will continue to contribute to the energy saving and emission reduction of China's coking industry to achieve the dual-carbon goal and green and efficient development!

Post time: Mar-29-2024