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Learning Never Ends-Fairchild never stops learning!

In order to better enhance the company's overall management level, improve the overall quality of staff, 2024 the company's staff training and learning as one of the key tasks of the year, the beginning of the year, the Ministry of Human Resources Management has formulated the company's annual training and learning programme, the departments actively and comprehensively implement the company's training and learning programme, the company set off a learning boom within the....... ...
The company's training and learning in a variety of forms, mainly face-to-face instruction and practical exercises. Each training and learning, employees are seriously do a good job of personal study notes, comprehensive records, highlighting the key points of learning, and to do the theory and practice complement each other, through training and constantly learning new knowledge and skills to adapt to the changing market demand.

Not only the top, not only the book, only the real! We will continue to strengthen the staff training and learning work, the use of centralised learning, independent learning as the main, "go out, please come in" as a complementary learning model, do a good job of training, and constantly improve the overall quality of staff and business capacity, and to promote the common development of the company and the individual staff, so that our collective to the enterprising, striving for excellence! "Learning team.

Post time: May-13-2024