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Ceramic Knife for a Better Life

Buy back a green and lushly fresh watermelon, take up the kitchen knife and cut it down, "Bang" - cut off a piece, hold a big bite down, the juice flows across... Halt! Why it doesn't feel right.

Why does a freshly cut watermelon taste like unspeakable raw garlic?

Why do kitchen knives smell? I washed them! The cutting board was washed too!
Mainly because the kitchen knife commonly used in our home is basically stainless steel, stainless steel knife surface is easy to appear deep shallow, the naked eye can not see very clear scratches, and scratches will inevitably hide dirt, contaminate food, resulting in odor, so is there a solution? - Yes!
It is known as "knife noble" Hui Yang ceramic knife, ceramic knife has the following characteristics:
1, high hardness. The main component of ceramic knife is zirconia, zirconia Rockwell hardness in HRC100 or so, is stainless steel (HRC 50 ~ 60) twice, high hardness means that it is not easy to scratch, can avoid fouling caused by odor.
2, corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance. Ceramic knife performance is stable, will not react with acidic or alkaline food, is an ideal environmental health tool.
3. Slim and light body. The weight of the ceramic knife is only one half of the weight of the similar metal tool, the knife body is light and transparent, and it is easy to handle in the use process.
4, high wear resistance. Ceramic knife wear resistance, can let us once and for all, buy home to retire it without sharpening maintenance.
5, easy to clean. The surface structure of the cutter body is dense and delicate, and it can be rinsed and dried directly after use.

Post time: May-13-2024