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Perseverance in the cold, moving in the ordinary: “Huiyang people” battle the cold, promote the degree of quality and quantity to fight busy!

The temperature of a city lies not only in the temperature change of the four seasons, but also in the warmth and ups and downs of people's struggle for a better life. In the corners of the city that you have never paid attention to, "Xinxiang Huiyang People" defied the severe cold and stood firm on the front line just for the company's three sets of contracts for the Zhangqian® ceramic non-powered coke sieve and JIANAI® ceramic curved chute, which was a project with a tight schedule and a heavy task. The project schedule is tight and the task is heavy. In the face of severe cold and snow, all the staff of Huiyang pulled the bowstring, beat the war drum, and raised their fighting spirit to win the battle. The director of the workshop arranged the work in an orderly way to improve the quality and efficiency, and the employees who could spare the time went into the workshop spontaneously to help, it was freezing cold outside the window, but inside the window it was in full swing.

The project is orderly advancing, Huiyang people work hard and struggle, and now the delivery has been completed as scheduled, looking at the truckloads of equipment to the customer site, our hearts are warm ......

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Post time: May-08-2024