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To Promote the Healthy Development of Energy Saving and Environmental Protection and Dry Quenching Technology in Coking Industry – Huiyang Climbs to the Top

In order to support the implementation of China's "double-carbon" strategy and solve the problems in the design, construction and production operation of the coking industry, the Coking Chemistry Branch of the Chinese Society for Metals held the "2023 (16th) Seminar on Energy Saving and Environmental Protection in Coking and Dry Quenching Technology" in Xi'an, China. "Our company is honored to be invited to attend this meeting. Our company has been marching forward on the road of coking energy saving and environmental protection and technological innovation, actively exploring research and development, and successfully launched the energy-saving and environmentally friendly equipment--Zhangqian® Ceramic Powerless Coke Sieve. Product features:
I. Adopting the S curve design of scientific material flow: it makes the coke screening smooth and fluent, and the coke speed is up to 6m/s.
Second, no kinetic energy input: reduce the consumption of motor kinetic energy, the annual production capacity of 1.6 million tons of coke production line, can save 700,000-900,000 yuan of electricity.
Third, reduce the crushing rate: relative to the vibrating screen coke collision rate reduced by 90%, can reduce the coke crushing rate of 1.5-3%, increasing the commodity sales value of coke for the producer.
Fourth, clean and noise reduction: dust removal air volume is reduced to 80% of the original use, the site environment is clean, the noise is reduced to 50-60 decibels, providing conditions for the construction of garden factories.
Fifth, maintenance safety: cancel the shaker, screen plate, spring and other maintenance items, high-temperature restricted space overhaul is no longer a production enterprise safety overhaul problems.
Sixth, long life product design: coke contact parts are used 92% AL2O3, warranty period of three years, 92% AL2O3 screen plate service life of up to about 5 years.
Seventh, the sieve hole adjustment speed: sieve hole aperture using card slot design, can be freely adjusted range 0-100mm, the speed to 3h adjustment is completed, to win more opportunities for the market sales.
In the future, Huiyang Technology will continue scientific and technological innovation, improve the quality of products and service standards, and contribute more to the promotion of energy saving and environmental protection in the coking industry and the healthy development of dry quenching technology.

Post time: Apr-30-2024